Most popular puzzles a year ago

Let's go back in time and see which puzzles were most popular a year ago. Do the same images still attract the attention of the solvers? Or have preferences completely changed and you'll find gems that are already hard to spot on the site today among the most popular ones?

zedbetzsrnnhsa jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
zedbetzsrnnhsa15warg • solved 87 times
THUMB online puzzleSolve puzzle
THUMB60MONTSE GOMEZ • solved 42 times
TERRESTRIAL ECOSYSTEMS jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
painting technique jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
painting technique130krystyna w. • solved 137 times
our europe online puzzleSolve puzzle
our europe84auguste • solved 39 times
computer graphics- female warrior jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
computer graphics- female warrior20krystyna w. • solved 276 times
Keyboard online puzzleSolve puzzle
Keyboard4MISS WENDY • solved 407 times
computer graphics - pegasus and woman online puzzleSolve puzzle
computer graphics - pegasus and woman300krystyna w. • solved 138 times
PERIODIC TABLE online puzzleSolve puzzle
PERIODIC TABLE80Ammy T. Leiton • solved 35 times
Mexican Constitution jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Mexican Constitution63Ivan Atanel • solved 201 times
History and evolution of PCs online puzzleSolve puzzle
History and evolution of PCs77Osvaldo Q. • solved 369 times
anyone who visits jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
anyone who visits84jjjjj • solved 42 times
Planets jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Planets12bruh • solved 87 times
technique- green flowers jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
technique- green flowers96krystyna w. • solved 112 times
computer graphics - wolf jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
computer graphics - wolf80krystyna w. • solved 62 times
electric field online puzzleSolve puzzle
electric field63ROMA • solved 59 times
Computer graphics - Dragon, Fantasy online puzzleSolve puzzle
Computer graphics - Dragon, Fantasy192krystyna w. • solved 93 times
black and white light fixture online puzzleSolve puzzle
black and white light fixture117Adelajda • solved 75 times
New cuisine jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
New cuisine16Athziri • solved 47 times
Structure online puzzleSolve puzzle
Structure300@ruteacher • solved 222 times
Junkers watch color negative online puzzleSolve puzzle
Junkers watch color negative156erde • solved 54 times
Swan 48 Nautor's - in preparation - Finland online puzzleSolve puzzle
Swan 48 Nautor's - in preparation - Finland56Antonio • solved 39 times
testing jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
testing64Luquinha • solved 37 times
white and black checkered textile online puzzleSolve puzzle
white and black checkered textile35Gracek • solved 36 times
Computer graphics - a woman jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Computer graphics - a woman126krystyna w. • solved 220 times
Music Jukebox online puzzleSolve puzzle
Music Jukebox81Amir • solved 71 times
Diamante online puzzleSolve puzzle
Diamante63Thiago Manuel • solved 66 times
white and black digital wallpaper jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
white and black digital wallpaper96Sergiusz • solved 52 times
Graphic - inflatable wheels online puzzleSolve puzzle
Graphic - inflatable wheels300krystyna w. • solved 215 times
Nail painting technique online puzzleSolve puzzle
Nail painting technique100krystyna w. • solved 30 times
Sun flare jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Sun flare25zinzex • solved 38 times
computer online puzzleSolve puzzle
computer80FRANCINIR • solved 174 times
saturn the great jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
saturn the great48Ian Sebas Sam Uriel sin torta • solved 45 times
Sale of quilts jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Sale of quilts500Leonela • solved 158 times
Internet Global jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Internet Global96Christiaan • solved 26 times
Atari800XL jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Atari800XL9wE ARE • solved 4 times
by school online puzzleSolve puzzle
by school100Tati • solved 4 times
Seguridad de las Redes Sociales 2do online puzzleSolve puzzle
Seguridad de las Redes Sociales 2do100profe samuel rivera • solved 4 times
Seguridad de las Redes Sociales 3ero online puzzleSolve puzzle
Seguridad de las Redes Sociales 3ero100yoo • solved 4 times
Foreign Trade and Customs jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Foreign Trade and Customs50Equipo 8 • solved 43 times
New family members 20204 online puzzleSolve puzzle
New family members 20204108Melina • solved 4 times
computer lab jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
computer lab25Małgośka • solved 4,986 times
the sun was clean and hot online puzzleSolve puzzle
the sun was clean and hot135paulina • solved 2,762 times
Vacuum cleaner online puzzleSolve puzzle
Vacuum cleaner9Małgoska • solved 458 times
50 zloty banknote online puzzleSolve puzzle
50 zloty banknote6Malgoska • solved 5,383 times
figure skates jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
figure skates6Małgośka • solved 241 times
Crayons, crayons online puzzleSolve puzzle
Crayons, crayons64123456789 • solved 400 times
colorful carnival mask jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
colorful carnival mask25Małgośka • solved 249 times
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