Most popular puzzles a year ago

Let's go back in time and see which puzzles were most popular a year ago. Do the same images still attract the attention of the solvers? Or have preferences completely changed and you'll find gems that are already hard to spot on the site today among the most popular ones?

ANCIENT VS MODERN OBJECTS84MissEvelyn93 • solved 182 times
Lucerne Trade Fair24Silvan Auf der Maur • solved 127 times
UEBF Keyboard28Jorge Alvarez • solved 42 times
Konica lens120krystyna w. • solved 281 times
Snansnabssbsb140Bannwnwkwkwbvqjjqnnnwbbbqbb • solved 199 times
Kamaz-6250 jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Kamaz-625077Dwa Pioruny • solved 49 times
ertdfyuiopl [ '] online puzzleSolve puzzle
ertdfyuiopl [ ']20ewrdftgyhjukil;' • solved 127 times
computer set online puzzleSolve puzzle
computer set20Małgośka • solved 2,740 times
Wolsztyn - museum of steam locomotives online puzzleSolve puzzle
Wolsztyn - museum of steam locomotives152Dominikminik • solved 271 times
Netiquettes online puzzleSolve puzzle
Netiquettes20Ale • solved 59 times
WORD MAIN SCREEN online puzzleSolve puzzle
giant of the skies online puzzleSolve puzzle
giant of the skies6s.a.r.t • solved 555 times
blue sedan on gray dirt road during daytime jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
blue sedan on gray dirt road during daytime4Marianda • solved 298 times
Astronaut in outer space jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Astronaut in outer space63Krzychu • solved 248 times
Windows desktop jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Windows desktop40care • solved 3,668 times
washing machine and mess jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
washing machine and mess81Mila • solved 415 times
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webcam camara6key33 • solved 647 times
Computer jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Computer9Laura Kenny • solved 1,093 times
old historical line rails jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
old historical line rails54antonio • solved 65 times
Technological devices jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Technological devices30Miss Florecita • solved 830 times
Peni and SP//DR jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Peni and SP//DR15Gabriela Iorio • solved 1,055 times
Graphic - waving colors jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Graphic - waving colors153krystyna w. • solved 717 times
Web Browsers - AMMI jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Web Browsers - AMMI66MissEvelyn93 • solved 123 times
examination with a stethoscope online puzzleSolve puzzle
examination with a stethoscope9Małgośka • solved 353 times
Monitor parts online puzzleSolve puzzle
Monitor parts20Iveth Ramirez • solved 1,690 times
Google IMAGES online puzzleSolve puzzle
Google IMAGES45Julio garcia jr • solved 202 times
Internal Parts PC jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Internal Parts PC30Jefferson Esquivel • solved 1,971 times
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Oriental umbrella160bettynan • solved 467 times
Graphic- Abstraction jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Graphic- Abstraction220krystyna w. • solved 816 times
Secure Internet jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Secure Internet96Internet • solved 321 times
KEYBOARD DRAWING jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
KEYBOARD DRAWING20Federico • solved 334 times
Graphics - Figures, Balls, Fractal online puzzleSolve puzzle
Graphics - Figures, Balls, Fractal144krystyna w. • solved 615 times
Old clock old clocks online puzzleSolve puzzle
Old clock old clocks104pabi • solved 106 times
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Izou coloring pages400Evelyne • solved 837 times
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blue and black glass ball24Karmelia • solved 288 times
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we do clothes washing90Mila • solved 304 times
The parts of the Essay online puzzleSolve puzzle
The parts of the Essay88Daniela • solved 33 times
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Titan cameraman upgrade90??? • solved 87 times
heart crayons jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
heart crayons120Basieńka • solved 1,253 times
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Baglietto 20 M Italy108Antonio • solved 80 times
Colorful rolls jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Colorful rolls96NNN • solved 484 times
Metal spiral jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Metal spiral96bettynan • solved 639 times
Computer jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Computer9James • solved 972 times
Graphic- Flower online puzzleSolve puzzle
Graphic- Flower8krystyna w. • solved 397 times
Local Area Network online puzzleSolve puzzle
Local Area Network12Nuc • solved 1,012 times
Tractor na polu jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Tractor na polu24Ich • solved 421 times
Pokemon Evolutions online puzzleSolve puzzle
Pokemon Evolutions260ash • solved 219 times
Computer online puzzleSolve puzzle
Computer15angel • solved 837 times
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