Puzzles solved by szymonek

Ramat Gan12JUSTYNA • solved 101 times
Sumatran rhinoceros16JUSTYNA • solved 26 times
Asiatischer Elefant12JUSTYNA • solved 246 times
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Plains zebra4JUSTYNA • solved 132 times
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dinosaurs12Marek • solved 80 times
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FOR CHILDREN AND NOT ONLY9Marcin • solved 246 times
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Lion King66krystyna w. • solved 235 times
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Lion King18JUSTYNA • solved 309 times
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Lion King15JUSTYNA • solved 606 times
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Europäischer Mufflon12JUSTYNA • solved 110 times
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Hirsche .......20JUSTYNA • solved 119 times
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Addax nasomaculatus4JUSTYNA • solved 136 times
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Sable oryx6JUSTYNA • solved 146 times
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Eastern deer25JUSTYNA • solved 62 times
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Bałtów (Świętokrzyskie Province)20JUSTYNA • solved 134 times
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Dino stock cartoon25Dino stock cartoon • solved 162 times
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