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Nickelodeon - online puzzles

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PawPatrol15Melani • solved 7,252 times
Joint trip4Anabell • solved 6,346 times
Paw patrol28Miss Lupita • solved 5,373 times
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Ni hao Kai lan.35Lenka • solved 5,194 times
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Test blobs6Rozi • solved 4,327 times
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JUAN MARTIN PUZZLE18JUAN • solved 4,306 times
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Happy Family Sharks12Gabriela Iorio • solved 4,117 times
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Zooli and the frog❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️6Gabriela Iorio • solved 3,843 times
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Slobber Slug Kisses!72Gabriela Iorio • solved 3,538 times
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Noobees - a Colombian feature series. Series25kamil.s • solved 2,754 times
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Reading a Holiday Story90Gabriela Iorio • solved 1,928 times
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Lea puzzle to work the f6Aurélie • solved 1,784 times
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Zooli and Bubble Puppy9Gabriela Iorio • solved 1,750 times
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The Group Hug16Gabriela Iorio • solved 1,696 times
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Bubble Guppies and Baby Shark30Gabriela Iorio • solved 1,484 times
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Sponge on the Run film poster60Gabriela Iorio • solved 567 times
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Super Shark & Captain Kelp20Gabriela Iorio • solved 567 times
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Chef Zooli❤️❤️❤️❤️24Gabriela Iorio • solved 560 times

Online puzzle Nickelodeon

Nickelodeon (often shortened to Nick ) is an American basic cable and satellite television network launched on December 1, 1977 as the first cable channel for children. It is owned by Viacom through its Viacom Media Networks division's Nickelodeon Group unit and is based in New York City. The channel is primarily aimed at children and adolescents aged 2–17.

The channel was originally founded as Pinwheel on December 1, 1977. Pinwheel was at the time only available on QUBE, which was the first two-way major market interactive cable television system, owned by Warner Cable. Pinwheel relaunched as Nickelodeon on April 1, 1979, and expanded to other cable providers nationwide. The channel was initially commercial-free and remained without advertising until 1984. Warner sold Nickelodeon, along with its sister networks MTV and VH1, to Viacom in 1986.

As of January 2016, the channel is available to about 92.056 million households (79.086% of households with TV) in the United States.

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