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Puzzles solved by Wioletta

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Motor- Harley-Davidson6krystyna w. • solved 215 times
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Green motorcycle.6Josey • solved 246 times
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Audi Q5 201535krystyna w. • solved 217 times
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three girls with a doggy30krystyna w. • solved 1,689 times
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At the pond.30Grażyna • solved 4,857 times
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White Easter Bunnies20Julia • solved 339 times
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Pinky Flowers in the Garden45Clara1000 • solved 964 times
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falling roses12raid • solved 342 times
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Lutka's kitty20Marzena • solved 268 times
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cat in luxuries28Mila • solved 125 times
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Happy Easter20Julia • solved 564 times
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1950 Peterbilt 350 Tractor12SPC-2021 • solved 170 times
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Old cottage12kawa • solved 1,162 times
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A highlander log house20krystyna w. • solved 580 times
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A fabulous house in flowers12Anita • solved 1,490 times
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Colorful bouquet.8Grażyna • solved 1,884 times
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Colorful pansies in a basket9krystyna w. • solved 337 times
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Colorful parrot4Iwona • solved 1,804 times
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Victorian House16krystyna w. • solved 852 times
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A colorful bouquet for every occasion20krystyna w. • solved 486 times
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1958 Mack B-73 Series Tractor12SPC-2021 • solved 122 times
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EP 09-04645Julek P • solved 140 times
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Czech train20krystyna w. • solved 118 times
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Child train6GGG • solved 61 times
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Macaw6Ninho de araras • solved 414 times
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Parrot in the tropics9krystyna w. • solved 275 times
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colorful parrots16krystyna w. • solved 1,867 times
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Two-colored tulips on the bed15krystyna w. • solved 212 times
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Pansies for flowerbeds9krystyna w. • solved 222 times
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Hungary bus trip63achim • solved 102 times
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Beloved autooo30Oliwier • solved 700 times
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