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Puzzles solved by ALEX

Lord Jesus Host25M>K • solved 280 times
Children's Day36sentii • solved 4,403 times
The meteor25Francesca • solved 197 times
Australia puzzle20CCB • solved 174 times
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Peppa Pig24sandro • solved 12,497 times
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KANDINSKY 19LUCIA • solved 369 times
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Starry Night - Vincent van Gogh40E.P. • solved 191 times
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The wedding of Cana36Giotto • solved 101 times
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Lion puzzle18albee • solved 173 times
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Pokemon49Alex • solved 139 times
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Pokemon36Alex • solved 601 times
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Solar system25Pani ze świetlicy • solved 492 times
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Pokemon25Alex • solved 549 times
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continents25Lynne • solved 1,240 times
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Rainbow skewers100Ayla • solved 63 times
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