Pretty Cure - online puzzles

Pretty Cure, or PreCure (プリキュア, Purikyua), also known as Glitter Force outside of Japan, is a Japanese magical girl anime metaseries created by Izumi Todo and produced by Asahi Broadcasting Corporation, Asatsu-DK and Toei Animation. Each series revolves around a group of magical girls known as Pretty Cures who battle against evil forces. Starting in February 2004 with Futari wa Pretty Cure, the franchise has seen many anime series, spanning over 600 episodes to date, as well as spawning movies, manga, toys, and video games. Its most recent iteration, Hugtto! PreCure, began airing in February 2018 as part of TV Asahi's Sunday morning children 's television block. To date, three of the series have received English- language dubs.

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