Obelix - online puzzles

Obelix (Obélix in French) is a cartoon character and protagonist in the French comic book series Asterix. He works as a menhir sculptor and deliveryman, and is Asterix 's best friend. Obelix is noted for his fatness, the menhirs he carries around on his back and his superhuman strength. He fell into a cauldron of the Gauls' magic potion when he was a baby, causing him to be the only Gaul in Asterix 's village who is in a permanent state of superhuman strength. Because of this already enormous strength, Obelix is not allowed to drink the magic potion ever again, a ban he regards as being tremendously unfair. Other characteristics are his simplemindedness, his love and care for his dog Dogmatix, his anger when someone refers to him as being " fat ", his enthusiasm for hunting and eating wild boars and beating up Romans. His catchphrase is: "Ils sont fous ces romains", which translates into "These Romans are crazy !", although he considers nearly every other nationality to be just as strange.

The character was portrayed by actor Gérard Depardieu in every Asterix live-action movie.

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