FIS Ski Jumping World Cup - online puzzles

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kubacki, kobayashi and stoch49ilona • solved 83 times
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Peter Prevc12Kami ♥ • solved 52 times
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Polish team - 2018117krystyna w. • solved 51 times
Prevc domains online puzzleSolve puzzle
Prevc domains12Kami ♥ • solved 50 times
Richard Freitag online puzzleSolve puzzle
Richard Freitag64ilona • solved 49 times
Peter was alive online puzzleSolve puzzle
Peter was alive81krystyna w. • solved 46 times
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Planica, planica80Ewelina • solved 45 times
Aleksander Zniszczoł online puzzleSolve puzzle
Aleksander Zniszczoł25kamil,s • solved 44 times
Markus Mueller jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Markus Mueller12Kami ♥ • solved 44 times
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Timi Zajc35Kamcia2 • solved 40 times
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ryoyu kobayashi49ilona • solved 34 times
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Polish ski jumper88krystyna w. • solved 34 times
Polish ski jumper online puzzleSolve puzzle
Polish ski jumper88krystyna w. • solved 28 times
Piotr Paweł Żyła jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Piotr Paweł Żyła9Kami ♥ • solved 28 times
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Dawid Kubacki- jumping117krystyna w. • solved 27 times
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Vikersundbakken100paw • solved 25 times
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sato yukiya49ilona • solved 24 times
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summer ski jumping84krystyna w. • solved 23 times
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Daiki-ito49ilona • solved 22 times
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Polish ski jumper108krystyna w. • solved 21 times
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Robin Mattias Johannes Pedersen4Kami ♥ • solved 19 times
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Timi Zajc and Žiga Jelar4Kami ♥ • solved 19 times
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Ski Jumping6Kami ♥ • solved 17 times
Cene Prevc online puzzleSolve puzzle
Cene Prevc12Kami ♥ • solved 17 times
Dominik Peter online puzzleSolve puzzle
Dominik Peter15Kami ♥ • solved 17 times
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Tomasz Pilch12Kami ♥ • solved 16 times
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Artti Aigro12Kami ♥ • solved 14 times

Online puzzle FIS Ski Jumping World Cup

The FIS Ski Jumping World Cup is the world 's highest level of ski jumping and the FIS Ski Flying World Cup as the subdivisional part of the competition. It was founded by Torbjørn Yggeseth for the 1979/80 season and organized by the International Ski Federation. Ladies began competing during the 2011/12 season.

The rounds are hosted primarily in Europe, with regular stops in Japan and rarely in North America. These have been hosted in 20 different countries around the world for both men and ladies : Austria, Bosnia, Canada, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland and the United States.

Summer Grand Prix is the top level summer competition on plastic. The lower competitive circuits include the Continental Cup, the FIS Cup, the FIS Race and the Alpen Cup.

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