Daisy Duck - online puzzles

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Online puzzle Daisy Duck

Daisy Duck is a cartoon character created in 1940 by Walt Disney Productions as the girlfriend of Donald Duck. Like Donald, Daisy is an anthropomorphic white duck, but has large eyelashes and ruffled tail feathers to suggest a skirt. She is often seen wearing a hair bow, blouse, and heeled shoes. Daisy usually shows a strong affinity towards Donald, although she is often characterized as being more sophisticated than him.

Daisy was introduced in the short film Mr. Duck Steps Out (1940) and was incorporated into Donald 's comic stories several months later. She appeared in 11 short films between 1940 and 1954, and far later in Mickey's Christmas Carol (1983) and Fantasia 2000 (1999). In these roles, Daisy was always a supporting character, with the exception of Donald 's Dilemma (1947). Daisy has received considerably more screen time in television, making regular appearances in Quack Pack (1996), Mickey Mouse Works (1999- 2000 ), Disney 's House of Mouse (2001–2003), and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (2006– 2016 ). Daisy has also appeared in several direct-to- video films such as Mickey's Once Upon a Christmas (1999) and The Three Musketeers ( 2004 ).

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