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Action figure - online puzzles

Paw Patrol The Movie Poster15Gabriela Iorio • solved 15,385 times
Paw Patrol puzzle16Promo79 • solved 14,879 times
the puppies play in the garden105cps • solved 14,039 times
Spider-man6Maciej • solved 13,905 times
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Spider-Man: No Way Home film poster6Gabriela Iorio • solved 7,426 times
Sonic Movie online puzzleSolve puzzle
Sonic Movie15Anahi.M • solved 6,958 times
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PJMASK PUZZLE12MIO • solved 6,832 times
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Among us112The biggest wizone • solved 5,942 times
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Ninjago movie30ninjago • solved 4,170 times
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Puzzle activity25Sof :D • solved 4,089 times
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Ninjago movie6ninjago • solved 4,053 times
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My Little Pony generation 54Gabriela Iorio • solved 3,945 times
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Robot Brain Teaser for children49Macarena tu creadora de juegos • solved 2,348 times
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Multi-generational family4Magda • solved 2,286 times
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Zooli and Bubble Puppy9Gabriela Iorio • solved 1,602 times
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Online puzzle Action figure

An action figure is a poseable character figurine, made of plastic or other materials, and often based upon characters from a film, comic book, video game, or television program. These action figures are usually marketed toward boys and adult collectors.

According to a study in Sweden, action figures with traditional masculine traits primarily target boys. While most commonly marketed as a children 's toy, the action figure has gained wide acceptance as an adult collector item. In such a case, the item may be produced and designed on the assumption it will be bought solely for display.

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