Rebelde. The main characters of the series are Roberta and Diego, Mía and Miguel, who met during summer classes preparing for the first semester at the prestigious Elite Way School. The rebels, despite significant differences among themselves, discover a common passion that connects them in spite of prejudices. This passion is love for music. The mentor of the heroes is Enrique Madariaga, a writer and former scholar of Elite Way School, an ethics teacher who instills integrity and dignified behavior in his pupils and declares war on the infamous "Lodge".
Rebelde. The main characters of the series are Roberta and Diego, Mía and Miguel, who met during summer classes preparing for the first semester at the prestigious Elite Way School. The rebels, despite significant differences among themselves, discover a common passion that connects them in spite of prejudices. This passion is love for music. The mentor of the heroes is Enrique Madariaga, a writer and former scholar of Elite Way School, an ethics teacher who instills integrity and dignified behavior in his pupils and declares war on the infamous "Lodge".
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