An ordinary modraszka, the modraszka [4], Loading Sikora (Cyanistes Caeruleus) - a small, settled species (some migratory populations) a bird from the Sikor family (Paridae), residing depending on the subspecies all Europe with the exception of North Scandinavia and Russia, as well as the Western part Asian. In addition, it prefers mainly luminous deciduous and mixed forests, lessly coniferous, also inhabited by a large woodpecker, in which old, abandoned holes nesting. It is not threatened with extinction, and in most countries (including Poland) it is even numerous.
An ordinary modraszka, the modraszka [4], Loading Sikora (Cyanistes Caeruleus) - a small, settled species (some migratory populations) a bird from the Sikor family (Paridae), residing depending on the subspecies all Europe with the exception of North Scandinavia and Russia, as well as the Western part Asian. In addition, it prefers mainly luminous deciduous and mixed forests, lessly coniferous, also inhabited by a large woodpecker, in which old, abandoned holes nesting. It is not threatened with extinction, and in most countries (including Poland) it is even numerous.
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