HomepageCategoriesAnimalsCrested Cuckoo Crested Cuckoo online puzzle 6.0 JUSTYNA 24 2020-04-02 5x3 - 15 pieces6x4 - 24 pieces3x8 - 24 pieces9x6 - 54 pieces11x7 - 77 pieces12x8 - 96 pieces14x9 - 126 pieces15x10 - 150 pieces18x12 - 216 pieces27x18 - 486 pieces Start a new game 24 JUSTYNA 2020-04-02 17 0 Share Favorite Help Occurrence and environment PL Crested cuckoo is found in Africa and southern Europe, as well as in Asia. Prefers thinned deciduous forests, open areas with shrubs and trees, parks, avenues. He comes to Poland sporadically. Best results for size Show all results Wing Poland Africa Tree Europe Oceania Bird Wilderness Branch Beak Bird of prey Coraciiformes Asia Accipitriformes Falcon Hawk Cuckoo Wire Falconiformes Wildlife perched Southern Europe Eastern Europe Play similar puzzle Comments Rate this game 6.0 Your vote: Add comment Sign in to add your comments. Log in Add a comment Other puzzle from the Animals category
Occurrence and environment PL
Crested cuckoo is found in Africa and southern Europe, as well as in Asia. Prefers thinned deciduous forests, open areas with shrubs and trees, parks, avenues. He comes to Poland sporadically.
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