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Puzzles in which ina is on the podium in the ranking based on time

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pásla, pásla husičky400Lubomir • solved 165 times
View256Marcin • solved 169 times
Rise of the USA96Szósta • solved 3 times
Levoca in Slovakia266Clara1000 • solved 7,102 times
horses40krystyna w. • solved 137 times
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The birth of the Lord Jesus36Cristian Mihai • solved 175 times
Holy Family jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Holy Family35Dorian Knap • solved 480 times
Way of the Cross jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Way of the Cross40Margarita • solved 2,182 times
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crucifixion20coni • solved 867 times
Mary Help of Christians Framework (4th and 5th grade) online puzzleSolve puzzle
Mary Help of Christians Framework (4th and 5th grade)24Servizio Civile • solved 455 times
Palm Sunday online puzzleSolve puzzle
Palm Sunday25Janusz • solved 780 times
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perníková chaloupka s čarodějnicí28Lubomir • solved 419 times
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Palm Sunday Feeding in Jerusalem42Clara1000 • solved 843 times
Dance at Bougival, Pierre jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Dance at Bougival, Pierre32Sol Peña • solved 226 times
Its all about us jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Its all about us32Yogi • solved 77 times
Blooming house facade online puzzleSolve puzzle
Blooming house facade35Angella • solved 4,821 times
Levoca in Slovakia35Clara1000 • solved 7,102 times
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chocolate with anise143krystyna w. • solved 288 times
Puzzle 3 online puzzleSolve puzzle
Puzzle 3324ROSS • solved 6 times
Interior. Salon. jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Interior. Salon.30Grażyna • solved 1,754 times
Venetian interior. jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Venetian interior.30Grażyna • solved 3,198 times
On Lake Garda. online puzzleSolve puzzle
On Lake Garda.35Grażyna • solved 4,808 times
View jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
View140Marcin • solved 4,639 times
Tiger lily jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Tiger lily90lila 31 • solved 292 times
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Abstraction.81wawa • solved 119 times
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Kid's games36Ралица • solved 2,884 times
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zimní dětské radovánky30Lubomir • solved 417 times
At the train station. online puzzleSolve puzzle
At the train station.30Grażyna • solved 10,814 times
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Debrecen Hotel in Hungary300Clara1000 • solved 299 times
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bouquet in a pot -dynia143krystyna w. • solved 4,162 times
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gray scale photo of palm tree323Lucjusz • solved 61 times
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majestic320s.a.r.t • solved 131 times
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stylish house30krystyna w. • solved 552 times
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house with terrace40krystyna w. • solved 2,484 times
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In front of the house.30Grażyna • solved 7,603 times
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Santa Claus kisses mom35prisca • solved 706 times
Mill And Cottages online puzzleSolve puzzle
Mill And Cottages42Olivia 01 • solved 8,601 times
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Szombathely city in Hungary117Clara1000 • solved 146 times
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Imagination, and fantasy48Anabel • solved 406 times
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picture of parrots35krystyna w. • solved 938 times
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Beauty of Peru36Tine • solved 1,142 times
Madrid Museum Cerralbo jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Madrid Museum Cerralbo35Clara1000 • solved 72 times
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Rome Palazzo Colonna interior42Clara1000 • solved 173 times
View online puzzleSolve puzzle
View140Marcin • solved 146 times
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pekař hlásí nové zboží36Lubomir • solved 509 times
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church in the mountains96krystyna w. • solved 290 times
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