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Puzzles in which Tender is on the podium in the ranking based on time

Also check the puzzles where Tender is in a specific place in the ranking based on time:

Colorful flowers in baskets online puzzleSolve puzzle
Colorful flowers in baskets221krystyna w. • solved 1,979 times
Freesia make freesia online puzzleSolve puzzle
Freesia make freesia204LOS ANDRONES • solved 839 times
Yellow tulips online puzzleSolve puzzle
Yellow tulips225krystyna w. • solved 205 times
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little birds in blue flowers210lamanu • solved 2,430 times
The werewolf against the pack online puzzleSolve puzzle
The werewolf against the pack208Josey • solved 184 times
Winter view online puzzleSolve puzzle
Winter view209Nowaczek • solved 669 times
Winter Scene jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Winter Scene195saro • solved 604 times
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boomers favoritves208NORA • solved 190 times
Beautiful Places online puzzleSolve puzzle
Beautiful Places225Amir • solved 126 times
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Tomek and friends 1221Jolanta • solved 2,239 times
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Disney cartoons221Iwona • solved 3,040 times
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beautiful Diana247Basiunia • solved 106 times
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podívej co ti dává bratříček225Lubomir • solved 1,803 times
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children in a wheelchair, fath204Malwina • solved 3,142 times
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From a series of country atmosphere216Marysia • solved 1,039 times
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Fleurs192Marysia • solved 1,502 times
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a wonderful, fairy-tale village221wieslawa • solved 2,455 times
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Different world187MillaN. • solved 503 times
Jigsaw puzzle online puzzleSolve puzzle
Jigsaw puzzle220andi • solved 321 times
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Polish horse228Regina • solved 1,593 times
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fractals, abstraction, graphic221Julia • solved 1,053 times
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Graphic rainbow spiral221Julia • solved 1,135 times
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tiger - big cat221Alpaczka • solved 7,252 times
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Sweet, tabby kittens204Furkot Czarny I • solved 6,391 times
Winter landscape. online puzzleSolve puzzle
Winter landscape.192omega • solved 320 times
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winter in the mountains220andi • solved 1,171 times
Fairy world online puzzleSolve puzzle
Fairy world198Demonek • solved 219 times
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Marilyn Monroe in Niagara204Pinduca • solved 75 times
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Pansies painted, beautiful as spring192grasia22 • solved 240 times
Winter landscape online puzzleSolve puzzle
Winter landscape228sandra • solved 198 times
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Winter landscape of Austria252Monika • solved 2,845 times
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Resurrection Jesus204StA • solved 11,352 times
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Fountain208Elizabeth • solved 1,639 times
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statue in the park under the tree210Malwina • solved 2,399 times
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Wild beauty221Anabel • solved 518 times
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Fantasy girl209zinzex • solved 384 times
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angel and the bird221annick01 • solved 354 times
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Basko luxury216Iwona • solved 1,167 times
Painting. online puzzleSolve puzzle
Painting.221Grażyna • solved 2,132 times
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Addison Rae210LouisBerg • solved 300 times
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Matterhorn.204Grażyna • solved 1,192 times
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American picture.221Grażyna • solved 5,458 times
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Road to the future.216DANA • solved 166 times
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landscape190andi • solved 181 times
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Beautiful places on earth208Nikola • solved 323 times
landscape online puzzleSolve puzzle
landscape220andi • solved 185 times
Australia Northern Territory jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Australia Northern Territory209Zuzanna • solved 898 times
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