Puzzles in which Milana is first on the podium in the ranking based on time

Also check the puzzles where Milana is in a specific place in the ranking based on time:

house integrated with the landscape12Cecilia Lourencao • solved 120 times
The three wolves and the woman6Π.Κ • solved 85 times
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a house near the stream at dusk15annick01 • solved 187 times
Holiday joy online puzzleSolve puzzle
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Woman in the beach jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
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Girl in the swimming pool online puzzleSolve puzzle
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White sofas online puzzleSolve puzzle
White sofas9Eleonora • solved 149 times
Living room of a house #64 jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
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Salon with images12Noemi • solved 626 times
Pastelhouse online puzzleSolve puzzle
Pastelhouse12Noemi • solved 404 times
Modern in green online puzzleSolve puzzle
Modern in green9Eleonora • solved 171 times
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Beach house, Log cabin, Vacations15Christiaan • solved 106 times
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painting of mountains12Ernesto • solved 43 times
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a break by the river12lamanu • solved 152 times
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view - by the river12krystyna w. • solved 175 times
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Polynésie française9Bigzouille10 • solved 103 times
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Dream house12Xrysa • solved 117 times
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Kittens inside basket next to watering can9Leonela • solved 178 times
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Rusty mountains12JRR • solved 84 times
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person walking on hill12Karmelia • solved 140 times
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people riding ski lift on snow covered mountain15Ernesto • solved 103 times
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cable cars over snow covered mountain12Francislava • solved 74 times
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winter mountains15Christiaan • solved 57 times
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House, In the mountains15Christiaan • solved 58 times
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Stone fireplace9krystyna w. • solved 73 times
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Cottage on the hill12krystyna w. • solved 884 times
View online puzzleSolve puzzle
View12Marcin • solved 84 times
Home from a long trip at last. online puzzleSolve puzzle
Home from a long trip at last.9btosto • solved 81 times
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Chat patchwork9Bigzouille10 • solved 163 times
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Elbląg Canal15Krzysiek • solved 344 times
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Our New House12Christiaan • solved 42 times
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Abbey and blooming lavender15Krzychu • solved 109 times
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Lavender field15Volik Diana • solved 96 times
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Pretty trees12Kehlani biggest fan • solved 269 times
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Rest by the lake9krystyna w. • solved 191 times
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Victorian era ankle boots9alizia • solved 131 times
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A carriage ride12Gama164 • solved 148 times
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the flower and water elf9annick01 • solved 77 times
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Parrot baking cake9-ivonne- • solved 172 times
In the South. jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
In the South.12Grażyna • solved 718 times
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