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Puzzles in which Milana is first on the podium in the ranking based on time

Also check the puzzles where Milana is in a specific place in the ranking based on time:

Pati and Poseidon's curse28Jacek 547 • solved 28 times
coffee from an espresso machine9Berenika • solved 132 times
Fouta Djalon region, Guinea12Jonah • solved 105 times
Nature, Sacred, Path, Road.15Christiaan • solved 61 times
Interior designs12Jueves • solved 483 times
Tuscany House online puzzleSolve puzzle
Tuscany House9Lucy10 • solved 354 times
Salzburg State Austria jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Salzburg State Austria12Clara1000 • solved 448 times
Beach house, Nature, Beach. online puzzleSolve puzzle
Beach house, Nature, Beach.28Christiaan • solved 279 times
Room with a view and floral arrangement of roses online puzzleSolve puzzle
Room with a view and floral arrangement of roses18Sylvie • solved 1,428 times
roses-and-romance-barbara-mock online puzzleSolve puzzle
roses-and-romance-barbara-mock12NORA • solved 166 times
the tea table II jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
the tea table II9NORA • solved 191 times
white coffee for breakfast jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
white coffee for breakfast9Berenika • solved 230 times
Amalfi Coast jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Amalfi Coast12Julia • solved 218 times
mice say their prayers before sleeping jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
mice say their prayers before sleeping9annick01 • solved 133 times
beautiful winter landscape in the Bavarian Alps online puzzleSolve puzzleSpring landscape in Slovakia online puzzleSolve puzzle
Spring landscape in Slovakia18Jonah • solved 884 times
View online puzzleSolve puzzle
View15Marcin • solved 185 times
RETURN online puzzleSolve puzzle
RETURN12GIRROY • solved 551 times
Landscape with a lake. jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Landscape with a lake.15Grażyna • solved 420 times
CITY OF METZ. online puzzleSolve puzzle
CITY OF METZ.12GIRROY • solved 921 times
Girl with a deer online puzzleSolve puzzle
Girl with a deer12patiinass • solved 77 times
Jodi the mutt online puzzleSolve puzzle
Jodi the mutt12sbmm • solved 36 times
Holidays in Malta online puzzleSolve puzzle
Holidays in Malta28Adam • solved 185 times
Montenegro beach jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Montenegro beach9krystyna w. • solved 99 times
Nice view jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Nice view32KotekGin123 • solved 67 times
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Easter Easter cake Happy Easter9Clara1000 • solved 594 times
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beautiful tea roses12Mila • solved 370 times
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Passing along some juicy news9btosto • solved 49 times
Puppy Gets a Bath online puzzleSolve puzzle
Puppy Gets a Bath9btosto • solved 232 times
Paradise garden landscape jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Paradise garden landscape9grasia22 • solved 852 times
Multi-family house jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Multi-family house12krystyna w. • solved 1,406 times
Old Town Tbilisi, Georgia online puzzleSolve puzzle
Old Town Tbilisi, Georgia12tsc • solved 85 times
coast landscape online puzzleSolve puzzle
coast landscape15Sam • solved 142 times
seaport online puzzleSolve puzzle
seaport12krystyna w. • solved 237 times
Greek island of Hydra jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Greek island of Hydra12Clara1000 • solved 56 times
Cyclades Greece online puzzleSolve puzzle
Cyclades Greece12KotekGin123 • solved 55 times
Caracas (creative city) online puzzleSolve puzzle
Caracas (creative city)28Samuel Rojas • solved 99 times
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Panorama of Brno near the railway station12Krzysiek • solved 51 times
Poor Kid online puzzleSolve puzzle
Poor Kid15Bigzouille10 • solved 94 times
Krzyżtopór Castle in Ujazd online puzzleSolve puzzle
Krzyżtopór Castle in Ujazd28Krzysiek • solved 137 times
COLORS WITH FIGURES jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Road Along The Water. jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Road Along The Water.15Christiaan • solved 104 times
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man surfing on sea waves during daytime15Lucjusz • solved 28 times
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person surfing on wave12Bernadetka • solved 57 times
Alina's grandmother's sideboard with tableware online puzzleSolve puzzle
Alina's grandmother's sideboard with tableware12Gama164 • solved 148 times
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Filipino Dance Art9Lucy10 • solved 100 times
a pretty teddy bear online puzzleSolve puzzle
a pretty teddy bear12annick01 • solved 40 times
Panorama of Dubai jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Panorama of Dubai12Krzychu • solved 201 times
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