Puzzles solved by CB2759

Dresden attractions jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Dresden attractions40Majeczka • solved 2,008 times
wooden house in the mountains192krystyna w. • solved 2,427 times
mermaid with diamond35geloe37 • solved 134 times
Santa and reindeer30btosto • solved 110 times
Astronaut45Ivanparedes667 • solved 35 times
the best fairy tales online puzzleSolve puzzle
the best fairy tales63Ida Wilk • solved 1,685 times
Beauty and the Beast. Enchanted Bella world jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Beauty and the Beast. Enchanted Bella world48JUSTYNA • solved 1,307 times
Bajkapuzzle jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Bajkapuzzle48AHA • solved 3,325 times
SNOW WHITE AND THE SEVEN DWARFS jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Barbie and the magic of Pegasus jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Barbie and the magic of Pegasus48JUSTYNA • solved 236 times
Princess and gnomes online puzzleSolve puzzle
Princess and gnomes49Zakreconax3 • solved 2,625 times
Mongrel online puzzleSolve puzzle
Mongrel30JUSTYNA • solved 713 times
Santa and the children jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Santa and the children63lorelay • solved 429 times
Painting Christmas in winter landscape online puzzleSolve puzzle
Painting Christmas in winter landscape64Clara1000 • solved 449 times
Christmas fireplace online puzzleSolve puzzle
Christmas fireplace35marlena • solved 396 times
in front of the church online puzzleSolve puzzle
in front of the church48krystyna w. • solved 375 times
Christmas magic jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Christmas magic30Aniroc • solved 536 times
toy shop online puzzleSolve puzzle
toy shop63lamanu • solved 6,871 times
Such a winter - I understand i online puzzleSolve puzzle
Such a winter - I understand i35JUSTYNA • solved 395 times
Snowman online puzzleSolve puzzle
Snowman35MARIN VICUȚA • solved 397 times
A walk in the park on winter day jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
A walk in the park on winter day88Lucy10 • solved 4,816 times
Christmas birdhouse online puzzleSolve puzzle
Christmas birdhouse63lamanu • solved 1,634 times
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legend of the cryptids30edward • solved 95 times
Santa Claus jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Santa Claus30Zbyros • solved 51 times
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magic christmas48nastasa ioana • solved 241 times
Christmas puzzle online puzzleSolve puzzle
Christmas puzzle63najlepszy wynik • solved 322 times
Santa Claus online puzzleSolve puzzle
Santa Claus54N.M • solved 300 times
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Christmas at city under snow35Alicja w Krainie Czarów • solved 362 times
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snow-covered house36krystyna w. • solved 3,782 times
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Merry Christmas.56Grażyna • solved 5,084 times
Santa Claus and a reindeer online puzzleSolve puzzle
Santa Claus and a reindeer42Małgośka • solved 1,349 times
Santa Claus jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Santa Claus16Adrianna • solved 845 times
Santa Claus jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Santa Claus24Małgoska • solved 4,140 times
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Decorative gingerbread house81MillaN. • solved 5,689 times
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Saint's special shop Nicholas88MillaN. • solved 3,268 times
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Christmas songs35Julia • solved 5,461 times
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Village at Christmas42Clara1000 • solved 49,784 times
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Winter it's magic84Lucy10 • solved 4,021 times
A charming Christmas dwarf jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
A charming Christmas dwarf80MillaN. • solved 18,027 times
The cave that doesn't exist jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
The cave that doesn't exist140MillaN. • solved 6,997 times
Mystery. online puzzleSolve puzzle
Mystery.84Grażyna • solved 8,093 times
Sunset. online puzzleSolve puzzle
Sunset.100Grażyna • solved 2,774 times
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star wars40Emilia Arroyo • solved 1,029 times
The Lord of the Rings jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
The Lord of the Rings45Jenie • solved 95 times
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Yokohama , Japan96Piter • solved 21 times
Fabulous view jigsaw puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Fabulous view64Ada • solved 53 times
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lava dripping to ocean24Lucjusz • solved 84 times
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