Puzzles solved by Alicia

walentynkowo100stachura • solved 559 times
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two hearts108krystyna w. • solved 3,408 times
Colonia Valdense135JUSTYNA • solved 866 times
Rural picture.120Grażyna • solved 12,941 times
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combination of wine and food - Australia112krystyna w. • solved 107 times
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Autumn mood wine grapes cheese117Clara1000 • solved 259 times
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Tuscany117krystyna w. • solved 1,065 times
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Georgia Batumi117alicja • solved 495 times
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Cyprus - street117alicja • solved 743 times
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Alps with a sunny day117Bepina • solved 473 times
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View117Marcin • solved 1,537 times
Landscape in Corsica online puzzleSolve puzzle
Landscape in Corsica108Clara1000 • solved 597 times
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Autumn in Bavaria.108Grażyna • solved 3,738 times
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The watch and the rye field8Simona Vrencean • solved 13 times
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Lake In The Mountains117Olivia 01 • solved 568 times
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View112Marcin • solved 2,348 times
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Watermill.96Grażyna • solved 1,315 times
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tulips108sandra • solved 1,740 times
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<< In the forest >>108Grażyna • solved 1,960 times
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white and red bus on road during night time112Rumburak • solved 118 times
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black and yellow lighted signage120Felicjusz • solved 33 times
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Summer landscape81andrea • solved 194 times
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Our beautiful Wawel.70Zeta • solved 15,920 times
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Fountain.24Grażyna • solved 1,252 times
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Former Tbilisi.77Grażyna • solved 1,278 times
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Port town77Malina • solved 550 times
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A summer day in a small town80Malina • solved 2,768 times
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A colorful picture.99Grażyna • solved 20,382 times
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Dora meets the world6Zuzka • solved 68,700 times
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hearts, valentine's day inscription25krystyna w. • solved 80 times
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House in the suburbs.108Grażyna • solved 4,993 times
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Green paradise204jan • solved 2,784 times
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Ariana Grande6paulina • solved 334 times
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Emma Ross9miła1 • solved 52 times
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r is for rainbow130jakeira • solved 1,541 times
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NICARAGUA100Alejandra Paternina • solved 31 times
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The hut150Josey • solved 1,726 times
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Beautiful full moon104Marissa • solved 5,828 times
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a fabulous sight100krystyna w. • solved 20,212 times
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Painting cottage on the edge of the forest and river140Clara1000 • solved 4,312 times
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