Winx Club - online puzzles
Season 2 of Winx Club an Italian animated series, premiered on Rai 2 on 19 April 2005 and concluded on 14 July 2005, airing 26 episodes. The season follows the girls ' second year at Alfea School of Fairies, where they strive to earn an enhancement to their powers called Charmix. Aisha (known as Layla in the 4Kids and Rai English versions), the Fairy of Waves, joins the group of girls. They also bond with a group of pixies. Meanwhile, the Trix have allied with a new villain, Lord Darkar.
The series has been broadcast to countries worldwide, with Rai providing an English- language dub. The Cinelume / Rai English dub was also used as an alternate English language track on several European DVD releases and on streaming services such as Netflix. In the United States, the show was re-dubbed and edited by 4Kids TV. Season 2 premiered on Fox under the programming block 4Kids TV on 10 September 2005, and concluded on 11 March 2006. The episodes have been made available on home media by Funimation.
The original opening theme was "Under the Sign of Winx " and the closing theme was "The Girls of the Winx Club".