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Many of the fictional characters in J.R.R. Tolkien's legendarium are Dwarves, a short stocky race inhabiting the world of Arda (the Earth in an imagined mythological past ). Dwarves lived in the continent Middle- earth, mostly under its mountains.

The names of many of Tolkien's Dwarves are derived from Norse mythology. Tolkien did not use diacritical marks for any names in The Hobbit, but in The Lord of the Rings he accentuated a number of names, including some which had appeared in The Hobbit. Thus, for example, Fili became Fíli, and Thrain became Thráin.

Thorin's company

Thorin's company consisted of the following 13 dwarves; their quest in The Hobbit is the main impetus of the plot of that story. Their quest, which occurred in T.A. 2941, was joined by Bilbo Baggins (a hobbit ) and occasionally by the wizard Gandalf.

Thorin II Oakenshield

Thorin II Oakenshield (T.A. 2746 – 2941) was the King of Durin's Folk who led the expedition to destroy Smaug in T.A. 2941 and was slain in the Battle of Five Armies.

In film and other media

In Peter Jackson 's The Hobbit film trilogy, Thorin is portrayed by Richard Armitage.


Balin (T.A. 2763 – 2994) was one of the twelve companions of Thorin and Bilbo Baggins on the Quest of Erebor.

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