Mixels - online puzzles
Mixels is an American animated television series that aired on Cartoon Network and was co-produced by The Lego Group and Cartoon Network Studios. The series first aired on February 12, 2014, with a new episode of Teen Titans Go!. The series revolves around the Mixels, small creatures that can mix and combine with one another. The Mixels are opposed by the evil Nixels, small, discolored and evil creatures led by King Nixel.
Although previous Lego series, such as Lego Ninjago and Lego Legends of Chima, use CGI animation, Mixels made use of Toon Boom Harmony software, animated at Atomic Cartoons, Inc., before later being animated traditionally at Digital eMation, Inc., Big Star Entertainment, Inc., and Saerom Animation, Inc. A mobile app was released for the series on March 4, 2014, named Calling All Mixels, and even earlier two websites, one on the LEGO website and another owned by Cartoon Network, were launched where fans can learn about the Mixels. Nine series of collectible Lego building toys were also released, based on the characters. On February 19, 2014, the series had begun airing as an interstitial program on Boomerang, and still currently airs as such.
The TV series wrapped up production in July 2016, and the series finale aired on October 1, 2016, marking the end of the franchise, with bar references in Uncle Grandpa and The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part.