Gakuen Alice - online puzzles
Gakuen Alice (Japanese: 学園アリス, Hepburn: Gakuen Arisu), also known as Alice Academy or Alice School, is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Higuchi Tachibana, serialized in the shōjo manga magazine Hana to Yume from 2003 to 2013. It was adapted into an anime series produced by Aniplex and Group TAC which originally premiered on NHK BS-2. It spanned twenty-six episodes that aired between October 30, 2004 and May 14, 2005. The anime was translated and dubbed into English by the anime television network Animax and broadcast on networks throughout Asia. At Anime Expo 2008, The Right Stuf International announced that its Nozomi Entertainment division had licensed Gakuen Alice for the North American market.
In 2015, a spin-off called Kageki no Kuni no Alice (歌劇の国のアリス), was started. It takes place a few months from the end of Gakuen Alice, and features a new set of characters. The plot follows Andou Hikari, who is searching for her brother, who was taken away when she was a child due to his having an Alice. She eventually takes advantage of a one in a lifetime opportunity, for normal people to join a Alice music academy, hoping to find her brother.