Frozen dessert - online puzzles

Frozen dessert is the generic name for desserts made by freezing liquids, semi-solids, and sometimes even solids. They may be based on flavored water (shave ice, ice pops, sorbet, snow cones, etc.), on fruit purées (such as sorbet ), on milk and cream (most ice creams), on custard (frozen custard and some ice creams), on mousse ( semifreddo ), and others.

In Canada and elsewhere, the term is often used on imitations of ice cream which do not satisfy its legal definition (e.g., mellorine).

In India some company brands like Hindustan Unilever were found selling frozen dessert made from Vegetable Oils rather than the ones made with Pure Milk. As per Indian regulation, Ice Creams which are made from milk solids, but contain non- dairy fat are categorized and labelled as Frozen Desserts in India.

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