fort - online puzzles
Fort (Italian) - field fortification (defensive structure) or permanent, built from the 17th to the beginning of the 20th century, adapted for circular defense. Basically, the forts were grouped into teams called fort strongholds, in special cases individual forts were built, the so-called detached (separated). == Construction of the fort == Forts were earthworks with a closed contour, capable of independent and long-lasting defense. There was a zonal division of the fort perimeter: battlefield (plateau, glacis), positions, moat, embankments, interior. The masonry structures of the forts included barracks, shelters, artillery and infantry fire stations, warehouses, observation and artillery towers, etc. Not all of the listed facilities were present in every fort, each fortification school had its preferences regarding the selection of objects and means of defense and their distribution in fort. The forts were connected by a road and telephone network. The principle of building rings of forts of fort fortresses was to provide the possibility of artillery support by a given fort to its closest neighbors - on the right and left. In other words, a fort in a fort fortress could get support from both of its wing neighbors if needed.