Daffy Duck - online puzzles

Daffy Duck is an animated cartoon character produced by Warner Bros. Styled as an anthropomorphic black duck, the character has appeared in cartoon series such as Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies, where he usually has been depicted as a foil of Bugs Bunny. Daffy was one of the first of the new "screwball" characters that emerged in the late 1930s to replace traditional everyman characters who were more popular earlier in the decade, such as Mickey Mouse and Popeye. Daffy starred in 130 shorts in the golden age, making him the third-most frequent character in the Looney Tunes / Merrie Melodies cartoons, behind Bugs Bunny 's 180 appearances and Porky Pig 's 162 appearances.

Daffy was number 14 on TV Guide 's list of top 50 greatest cartoon characters.

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