Cars (Cars) - American, full-length animated film from 2006 created by Pixar in cooperation with Disney. The film's inspiration was the authentic history of Peach Springs in northwestern Arizona. The action of the film shows the world of anthropomorphic cars, which was embedded in the realities of today's United States. The main character is a young, self-confident and selfish racer, Zigzag McQueen. The axis of the story is the competition for the Golden Piston trophy; the winner of the trophy can count on the sponsorship of the Dinoco concern, whose current face is the retiring King. The main rivals of the King are Zygzak and Marek Marucha. Zygzak goes very bravely, not wanting to waste time does not change his tires, and although he pushes himself to the lead, just before the finishing line his two tires break and the finish line crosses three cars simultaneously - McQueen, King and Marucha. "Extra time", in which these three cars are to take part, is to take place a week later in faraway California.
Cars (Cars) - American, full-length animated film from 2006 created by Pixar in cooperation with Disney. The film's inspiration was the authentic history of Peach Springs in northwestern Arizona. The action of the film shows the world of anthropomorphic cars, which was embedded in the realities of today's United States. The main character is a young, self-confident and selfish racer, Zigzag McQueen. The axis of the story is the competition for the Golden Piston trophy; the winner of the trophy can count on the sponsorship of the Dinoco concern, whose current face is the retiring King. The main rivals of the King are Zygzak and Marek Marucha. Zygzak goes very bravely, not wanting to waste time does not change his tires, and although he pushes himself to the lead, just before the finishing line his two tires break and the finish line crosses three cars simultaneously - McQueen, King and Marucha. "Extra time", in which these three cars are to take part, is to take place a week later in faraway California.
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