Zootopia, Zootropolis - American animated film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios depicting the tribulations of Bunny Judy Hopps and fox Nick Bajer in a city inhabited by anthropomorphic animals - Zwierzogród. The female rabbit, Judy Hopps, who comes from the village, after leaving the policewomen, goes to Zwierzogród, a big city where all animals live in peace and tolerance. Shortly after the first day of work, Judy is a bit depressed because she imagined her career as a policewoman in a metropolis in a completely different way - she watches out parking meters, which does not really suit her ambitions. On the same day, the heroine accidentally meets the fox Nick Bajer (nicknamed Nick Wilde), who tries to buy a blowjob for her son, who is pretending to be a mole. After some difficulties with buying Judy, he persuades the seller to sell Nick ice cream. A little later a young policewoman discovers the trick that the fox and his friend Finnick prepared.
Zootopia, Zootropolis - American animated film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios depicting the tribulations of Bunny Judy Hopps and fox Nick Bajer in a city inhabited by anthropomorphic animals - Zwierzogród. The female rabbit, Judy Hopps, who comes from the village, after leaving the policewomen, goes to Zwierzogród, a big city where all animals live in peace and tolerance. Shortly after the first day of work, Judy is a bit depressed because she imagined her career as a policewoman in a metropolis in a completely different way - she watches out parking meters, which does not really suit her ambitions. On the same day, the heroine accidentally meets the fox Nick Bajer (nicknamed Nick Wilde), who tries to buy a blowjob for her son, who is pretending to be a mole. After some difficulties with buying Judy, he persuades the seller to sell Nick ice cream. A little later a young policewoman discovers the trick that the fox and his friend Finnick prepared.
Happy Sloth.
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