a story about the adventures of three heroes: Mammoth Manfred, colloquially known as Mańkiem, sloth Sida and a saber-tooting tiger named Diego. Mammoth Maniek meets a slut Sida, whom he considers a fool. The main thread of history begins when Maniek and Sid meet a human infant. Mammoth and the sloth decide to take the child to his, as the heroes describe it, the herd. But Soto, the leader of the tiger herd wants to take revenge on the boy's father (a hunter who killed many members of his pack), killing the child. Provide her baby with Diego, another saber-toothed tiger. He tries to tear the baby away from them, but Maniek stops him. He tells them that he knows where people live, and eventually he is their guide. Leading them towards the isthmus, he plots a cruel plan. In the end, however, he reveals his species to protect Sida, Manka and the baby, whom he liked very much and together they experienced many adventures. Saving Mańka, he is seriously wounded in the fight against Sot. Sam Soto dies a moment later from Mańek's hands (loaded on icicles). Everything ends well, the baby is safely delivered "herd", and Diego, despite the wounds, survives. Christmas scene.
a story about the adventures of three heroes: Mammoth Manfred, colloquially known as Mańkiem, sloth Sida and a saber-tooting tiger named Diego. Mammoth Maniek meets a slut Sida, whom he considers a fool. The main thread of history begins when Maniek and Sid meet a human infant. Mammoth and the sloth decide to take the child to his, as the heroes describe it, the herd. But Soto, the leader of the tiger herd wants to take revenge on the boy's father (a hunter who killed many members of his pack), killing the child. Provide her baby with Diego, another saber-toothed tiger. He tries to tear the baby away from them, but Maniek stops him. He tells them that he knows where people live, and eventually he is their guide. Leading them towards the isthmus, he plots a cruel plan. In the end, however, he reveals his species to protect Sida, Manka and the baby, whom he liked very much and together they experienced many adventures. Saving Mańka, he is seriously wounded in the fight against Sot. Sam Soto dies a moment later from Mańek's hands (loaded on icicles). Everything ends well, the baby is safely delivered "herd", and Diego, despite the wounds, survives. Christmas scene.
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