Pirates of the Caribbean is an American fantasy and adventure film series based on the Disney theme park train of the same name. The series lists five films. The series is produced by Jerry Bruckheimer and directed by Gore Verbinski (1–3), Rob Marshall (4) and Joachim Roning and Espen Sandberg (5). Leading screenwriters are Ted Eliot and Terry Rocio (1-4), as well as Jeff Nathanson (5). The series follows the story of Captain Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp), William Turner (Orlando Bloom) and Elizabeth Swan (Keira Knightley). Other notable characters in the series include Captain Barbosa (Jeffrey Russ), Josami Gibbs (Kevin McNally), and James Norrington (Jack Davenport). The heroes are faced with supernatural enemies such as Davy Jones (2–3), Captain Mavrogenis (4) and Captain Salazar (5).
Pirates of the Caribbean is an American fantasy and adventure film series based on the Disney theme park train of the same name. The series lists five films. The series is produced by Jerry Bruckheimer and directed by Gore Verbinski (1–3), Rob Marshall (4) and Joachim Roning and Espen Sandberg (5). Leading screenwriters are Ted Eliot and Terry Rocio (1-4), as well as Jeff Nathanson (5). The series follows the story of Captain Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp), William Turner (Orlando Bloom) and Elizabeth Swan (Keira Knightley). Other notable characters in the series include Captain Barbosa (Jeffrey Russ), Josami Gibbs (Kevin McNally), and James Norrington (Jack Davenport). The heroes are faced with supernatural enemies such as Davy Jones (2–3), Captain Mavrogenis (4) and Captain Salazar (5).
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