Wrotkarnia. Great class 5b. Jest to zdjęcie z naszej wycieczki do rzeszowa na wrotki a trip on roller skates in Rzeszów we went on a roller skating trip and had a great time This is a photo of our class that was in the reins of Roller Skating roller skating trip our class 5b. Our trip on roller skates with our class Class on a roller skating tour wrotkarnia. Felt for roller skating.
Wrotkarnia. Great class 5b. Jest to zdjęcie z naszej wycieczki do rzeszowa na wrotki a trip on roller skates in Rzeszów we went on a roller skating trip and had a great time This is a photo of our class that was in the reins of Roller Skating roller skating trip our class 5b. Our trip on roller skates with our class Class on a roller skating tour wrotkarnia. Felt for roller skating.
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