Barbara Lauks - born in 1957. A graduate of the Puppetry Faculty of the PWST in Wrocław. She collaborated with the theaters: Studio Theater in Warsaw, Teatr im. Kochanowski in Opole, Lubuski Theater Kruczkowski in Zielona Góra, Opole Puppet and Actor Theater named after Smolki, Studio Wizji i Ruchu - Pantomime Theater in Lublin.
Barbara Lauks - born in 1957. A graduate of the Puppetry Faculty of the PWST in Wrocław. She collaborated with the theaters: Studio Theater in Warsaw, Teatr im. Kochanowski in Opole, Lubuski Theater Kruczkowski in Zielona Góra, Opole Puppet and Actor Theater named after Smolki, Studio Wizji i Ruchu - Pantomime Theater in Lublin.
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