Elite (Spanish: Élite; stylized as ÉLITƎ) is a Spanish teen drama web television series created and written by Carlos Montero and Darío Madrona and directed by Ramón Salazar and Dani de la Orden for Netflix. The series presents a large ensemble cast portraying students Miguel Herrán, Aron Piper, Mina El Hammani, Omar Ayuso, María Pedraza, Itzan Escamilla, and more. [1] [2] The first season was released on Netflix on 5 October 2018. On 17 October 2018, Netflix renewed the series for the second season, which is scheduled to be released in September 2019.
Elite (Spanish: Élite; stylized as ÉLITƎ) is a Spanish teen drama web television series created and written by Carlos Montero and Darío Madrona and directed by Ramón Salazar and Dani de la Orden for Netflix. The series presents a large ensemble cast portraying students Miguel Herrán, Aron Piper, Mina El Hammani, Omar Ayuso, María Pedraza, Itzan Escamilla, and more. [1] [2] The first season was released on Netflix on 5 October 2018. On 17 October 2018, Netflix renewed the series for the second season, which is scheduled to be released in September 2019.
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