Witch Emma (Every Witch Way, 2014-2015) - American comedy telenovela for youth from the fantasy genre created by Mariella Romero and Catharina Ledeboer. This is the American version of the Latin American soap opera Grachi, broadcast by Nickelodeon in Latin America. The premiere of the telenovela took place on January 1, 2014 at the American Nickelodeon. In Poland, the series debuted on January 19, 2015 on the air of Nickelodeon Poland.
Witch Emma (Every Witch Way, 2014-2015) - American comedy telenovela for youth from the fantasy genre created by Mariella Romero and Catharina Ledeboer. This is the American version of the Latin American soap opera Grachi, broadcast by Nickelodeon in Latin America. The premiere of the telenovela took place on January 1, 2014 at the American Nickelodeon. In Poland, the series debuted on January 19, 2015 on the air of Nickelodeon Poland.
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