The series describes the story of a fourteen-year-old girl - Emma Alonso (Paola Andino), who is moving with her father Francisco to the suburbs of Miami, Florida. During puberty, he suddenly notices that he is a witch with high power and skills, and also becomes "Chosen". The girl decides to start a new school year. Fortunately, Emma can count on the help of a school nurse Lily (Melissa Carcache), best friend Andi (Daniel Nieves) and a popular student of Iridium High School and a member of the swimming team "Sharks", Daniel Miller (Nick Merico).
The series describes the story of a fourteen-year-old girl - Emma Alonso (Paola Andino), who is moving with her father Francisco to the suburbs of Miami, Florida. During puberty, he suddenly notices that he is a witch with high power and skills, and also becomes "Chosen". The girl decides to start a new school year. Fortunately, Emma can count on the help of a school nurse Lily (Melissa Carcache), best friend Andi (Daniel Nieves) and a popular student of Iridium High School and a member of the swimming team "Sharks", Daniel Miller (Nick Merico).
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