A fictional character (superhero), known from the comics series published by DC Comics. The inspiration for the creators was an archer from The Green Archer, an adaptation of the novel by Edgar Wallace under the same title. Green Arrow is a masked self-proclaimed avenger, whose main weapon in the fight against crime are bow and arrows (his costume was modeled after the stereotypical image of Robin Hood). It works mostly in the hometown of Star City in the USA. In many respects Green Arrow resembles Batman: just like a bat man, he does not have any superhuman powers, accompanied by Robin, a teenage helper with the pseudonym Speedy (his real name is Roy Harper), while every day Oliver Queen is a millionaire and playboy, which is also an analogy to Bruce Wayne (Oliver was also presented as the mayor of the city of Star City). In the 1970s, screenwriter Dennis O'Neil and cartoonist Neal Adams made him a comic advocate of social change in the US. In the comics from 1995-2000, when Oliver Queen was dead, his son Connor Hawke used the pseudonym Green Arrow. Oliver's character returned thanks to Kevin Smith, and until today he has been in the lead of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman and Green Lanterna in the DC Comics superhero pantheon.
A fictional character (superhero), known from the comics series published by DC Comics. The inspiration for the creators was an archer from The Green Archer, an adaptation of the novel by Edgar Wallace under the same title. Green Arrow is a masked self-proclaimed avenger, whose main weapon in the fight against crime are bow and arrows (his costume was modeled after the stereotypical image of Robin Hood). It works mostly in the hometown of Star City in the USA. In many respects Green Arrow resembles Batman: just like a bat man, he does not have any superhuman powers, accompanied by Robin, a teenage helper with the pseudonym Speedy (his real name is Roy Harper), while every day Oliver Queen is a millionaire and playboy, which is also an analogy to Bruce Wayne (Oliver was also presented as the mayor of the city of Star City). In the 1970s, screenwriter Dennis O'Neil and cartoonist Neal Adams made him a comic advocate of social change in the US. In the comics from 1995-2000, when Oliver Queen was dead, his son Connor Hawke used the pseudonym Green Arrow. Oliver's character returned thanks to Kevin Smith, and until today he has been in the lead of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman and Green Lanterna in the DC Comics superhero pantheon.
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