The plot of the series, characterized by dynamism and a hint of comedy, tells the adventures of the title dog - German shepherd named Reginald von Ravenhorst, known to everyone under the pseudonym Rex, who at the beginning worked for the Vienna police. The series begins when the first owner of Rexa loses his life as a result of shooting at the shopping center. After some time, he gains a new guardian, young policeman Richard Moser. With time, Rex accompanies other inspectors in solving criminal mysteries. When Rex's retirement time came, he refused a well-deserved rest, along with Lorenzo Fabbri to Rome, where he continued to work as a policeman.
The plot of the series, characterized by dynamism and a hint of comedy, tells the adventures of the title dog - German shepherd named Reginald von Ravenhorst, known to everyone under the pseudonym Rex, who at the beginning worked for the Vienna police. The series begins when the first owner of Rexa loses his life as a result of shooting at the shopping center. After some time, he gains a new guardian, young policeman Richard Moser. With time, Rex accompanies other inspectors in solving criminal mysteries. When Rex's retirement time came, he refused a well-deserved rest, along with Lorenzo Fabbri to Rome, where he continued to work as a policeman.
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