Ojaczyki z Krainy Marzeń. Majikku naito reiāsu, also: Magic Knight Rayearth) - shōjo manga written and illustrated by the Japanese female group Clamp mangaroo. The series tells the story of three teenagers - Hikaru (Luz), Umi (Marine) and Fū (Anemon), who while on a school trip to Tokyo Tower, are transferred to the magical world called Cephiro, where they are entrusted with the mission to save the local princess. Manga was published by the Kōdansha company in the Nakayoshi magazine from November 1993 to February 1995. In the same magazine, from March 1995 to April 1996, the manga sequel was also released.
Ojaczyki z Krainy Marzeń. Majikku naito reiāsu, also: Magic Knight Rayearth) - shōjo manga written and illustrated by the Japanese female group Clamp mangaroo. The series tells the story of three teenagers - Hikaru (Luz), Umi (Marine) and Fū (Anemon), who while on a school trip to Tokyo Tower, are transferred to the magical world called Cephiro, where they are entrusted with the mission to save the local princess. Manga was published by the Kōdansha company in the Nakayoshi magazine from November 1993 to February 1995. In the same magazine, from March 1995 to April 1996, the manga sequel was also released.
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