Aoi Todo is a character from the anime and manga Jujutsu Kaisen, being introduced during the tournament arc of sister schools, Kyoto and Tokyo. The boy has an eccentric personality and contrasts with several other characters in the work, showing himself to be more fun in moments of relaxation and demonstrating a more serious personality in moments of combat and when he needs to be taken seriously. In addition to his different personality, Todo has another characteristic that differs him from most of the characters present in Jujutsu Kaisen, that being his appearance, having a different physique from most of the others, this is because his design is different from the pattern of the author and designer. . The boy is 16 years old, a second year student at the Kyoto Jujutsu School. Even though he's so young, he's already a rank 1 jujutsu sorcerer, one of the best ranks to be in when you're a shaman.
Aoi Todo is a character from the anime and manga Jujutsu Kaisen, being introduced during the tournament arc of sister schools, Kyoto and Tokyo. The boy has an eccentric personality and contrasts with several other characters in the work, showing himself to be more fun in moments of relaxation and demonstrating a more serious personality in moments of combat and when he needs to be taken seriously. In addition to his different personality, Todo has another characteristic that differs him from most of the characters present in Jujutsu Kaisen, that being his appearance, having a different physique from most of the others, this is because his design is different from the pattern of the author and designer. . The boy is 16 years old, a second year student at the Kyoto Jujutsu School. Even though he's so young, he's already a rank 1 jujutsu sorcerer, one of the best ranks to be in when you're a shaman.
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