Katsuki Bakugou is one of the main characters of the anime and manga Boku no Hero Academia. The boy occupies one of the protagonist roles in the work, second only to Izuku, the focus of the plot, as well as Shoto and others. Generally speaking, he is described as one of the strongest students at the very famous U.A. hero academy, being probably one of the most talented in his class. Usually the boy acts on pure impulse, letting his anger dominate him almost at all times, however, even if it seems practically impossible, he always thinks before doing something, having an ace up his sleeve in any situation. His strength is admired by all the students and teachers at the academy, so much so that even the #1 hero, All Might, congratulated him on his incredible power and talent, saying that the rage he possesses can also be used to further increase his abilities. capabilities rather than being your weakness. Since he was a little boy, Bakugou harbors an enormous anger towards Izuku, due to the fact that he, even though he doesn't have any individuality, has always walked behind him with a "face of who knows everything", and that's even after being beaten and humiliated by Katsuki throughout the entire year. period they were in primary school; but this attitude of yours towards him is gradually changing. Regarding his individuality, Bakugou — nicknamed “Kacchan” — has the ability to use his sweat to form various explosions, which, despite being a very peculiar power, makes him one of the most promising students at U.A.
Katsuki Bakugou is one of the main characters of the anime and manga Boku no Hero Academia. The boy occupies one of the protagonist roles in the work, second only to Izuku, the focus of the plot, as well as Shoto and others. Generally speaking, he is described as one of the strongest students at the very famous U.A. hero academy, being probably one of the most talented in his class. Usually the boy acts on pure impulse, letting his anger dominate him almost at all times, however, even if it seems practically impossible, he always thinks before doing something, having an ace up his sleeve in any situation. His strength is admired by all the students and teachers at the academy, so much so that even the #1 hero, All Might, congratulated him on his incredible power and talent, saying that the rage he possesses can also be used to further increase his abilities. capabilities rather than being your weakness. Since he was a little boy, Bakugou harbors an enormous anger towards Izuku, due to the fact that he, even though he doesn't have any individuality, has always walked behind him with a "face of who knows everything", and that's even after being beaten and humiliated by Katsuki throughout the entire year. period they were in primary school; but this attitude of yours towards him is gradually changing. Regarding his individuality, Bakugou — nicknamed “Kacchan” — has the ability to use his sweat to form various explosions, which, despite being a very peculiar power, makes him one of the most promising students at U.A.
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