Yuichiro Hyakuya is the main character of the incredible and prestigious Japanese work Owari no Seraph, designed by Takaya Kagami, having its anime adaptation in 2014 and, due to its success, it won a continuation the following year. The young man is introduced after witnessing a "worldwide genocide", in which only the boy and the other children under 13 survived, becoming slaves of the vampires, such that they killed his "family" cruelly, he being the only one left and , has since sworn to kill them, even if it meant risking his life. Yuichiro was classified by the soldiers as the "boy of the prophecy", because, as a child, experiments were done on him to become the strongest and annihilate these bloodthirsty people from Earth. The impulsive teenager has dark demonic powers, however, because he does not know how to control them, he is considered a civil threat, always prone to hurt his teammates.
Yuichiro Hyakuya is the main character of the incredible and prestigious Japanese work Owari no Seraph, designed by Takaya Kagami, having its anime adaptation in 2014 and, due to its success, it won a continuation the following year. The young man is introduced after witnessing a "worldwide genocide", in which only the boy and the other children under 13 survived, becoming slaves of the vampires, such that they killed his "family" cruelly, he being the only one left and , has since sworn to kill them, even if it meant risking his life. Yuichiro was classified by the soldiers as the "boy of the prophecy", because, as a child, experiments were done on him to become the strongest and annihilate these bloodthirsty people from Earth. The impulsive teenager has dark demonic powers, however, because he does not know how to control them, he is considered a civil threat, always prone to hurt his teammates.
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