known in the Spanish-speaking world as Los Caballeros del Zodiaco, is a manga series written and illustrated by Masami Kurumada. It was published from December 3, 1985 in Shūkan Shōnen Jump magazine by Shūeisha publishing house until December 12, 1990 in V Jump magazine. 9 It was later adapted into an animated series (anime) of 114 episodes, an OVA of 31 episodes and an ONA of 13 episodes, a total of 158. Five animated films and one CG animated film have also been produced, in addition to several official prequels and sequels to the original story.
known in the Spanish-speaking world as Los Caballeros del Zodiaco, is a manga series written and illustrated by Masami Kurumada. It was published from December 3, 1985 in Shūkan Shōnen Jump magazine by Shūeisha publishing house until December 12, 1990 in V Jump magazine. 9 It was later adapted into an animated series (anime) of 114 episodes, an OVA of 31 episodes and an ONA of 13 episodes, a total of 158. Five animated films and one CG animated film have also been produced, in addition to several official prequels and sequels to the original story.
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