Girl from anime. Tsutsui Hikari is an otaku who usually avoids social life. At school, Hikari has only one friend, also a "social outcast", from whom he brutally scoffs most classmates for being strange and repulsive. One day, Hikari needs to clean up the school pool with Igarashi Iroha, who seems to be the embodiment of everything the hero hates in real girls. Iroha leaves classes, she is sincere to pain, she has no girlfriends and she looks loose. Girl with brown hair.
Girl from anime. Tsutsui Hikari is an otaku who usually avoids social life. At school, Hikari has only one friend, also a "social outcast", from whom he brutally scoffs most classmates for being strange and repulsive. One day, Hikari needs to clean up the school pool with Igarashi Iroha, who seems to be the embodiment of everything the hero hates in real girls. Iroha leaves classes, she is sincere to pain, she has no girlfriends and she looks loose. Girl with brown hair.
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