The sampaz páramo was considered as a place of love for Muisca aborigines. It was associated with the sacred forces of the creation and origin of man and woman, a domain where humans should not enter. During the sixteenth century, the adventurer and German conqueror Nikolaus Federmann conducted an expedition from Los Llanos, crossing the sumage by the High Basin of the Ariari River, looking for the mythical treasure of El Dorado the place was appointed by the Spaniards "Fog country" 6 Because of the dense clouds at the superficial level, which generate a great decrease in visibility.
The sampaz páramo was considered as a place of love for Muisca aborigines. It was associated with the sacred forces of the creation and origin of man and woman, a domain where humans should not enter. During the sixteenth century, the adventurer and German conqueror Nikolaus Federmann conducted an expedition from Los Llanos, crossing the sumage by the High Basin of the Ariari River, looking for the mythical treasure of El Dorado the place was appointed by the Spaniards "Fog country" 6 Because of the dense clouds at the superficial level, which generate a great decrease in visibility.
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