Vyborg (Russian. Выборг, Finnish. Viipuri, Swedish. Viborg) - a city in Russia, in the Leningrad Oblast, located on the Karelian Isthmus, on the Bay of Wyborska. Vyborg is mainly home to shipbuilding, food, chemical, clothing and electrical engineering industries. The city is also a spa center and a destination for tourists. According to official federal data, in 2010 it was inhabited by 79,962 people [1].
Vyborg (Russian. Выборг, Finnish. Viipuri, Swedish. Viborg) - a city in Russia, in the Leningrad Oblast, located on the Karelian Isthmus, on the Bay of Wyborska. Vyborg is mainly home to shipbuilding, food, chemical, clothing and electrical engineering industries. The city is also a spa center and a destination for tourists. According to official federal data, in 2010 it was inhabited by 79,962 people [1].
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