London (eng. London) - the capital of England and Great Britain, the largest city of the kingdom, situated in its south-eastern part on the Thames. It is the third largest city in Europe, after Moscow and Istanbul; is one of the largest cities in the world, both in the city itself and in the entire agglomeration. The number of residents of London (within the so-called Greater London) is approximately 8,982 million. (2019) in the area of 1572 km²; the entire London agglomeration, including all adjacent towns, in 2015 had almost 14 million inhabitants [2] [3] (the so-called metropolis area). About 20% of the population comes from Asia, Africa and the Caribbean.
London (eng. London) - the capital of England and Great Britain, the largest city of the kingdom, situated in its south-eastern part on the Thames. It is the third largest city in Europe, after Moscow and Istanbul; is one of the largest cities in the world, both in the city itself and in the entire agglomeration. The number of residents of London (within the so-called Greater London) is approximately 8,982 million. (2019) in the area of 1572 km²; the entire London agglomeration, including all adjacent towns, in 2015 had almost 14 million inhabitants [2] [3] (the so-called metropolis area). About 20% of the population comes from Asia, Africa and the Caribbean.
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