so close you're scary rompecabezas en línea

HAPPY CRAZY 209 2022-08-15
so close you're scary rompecabezas en línea
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how's it going. Does anyone know what a hug feels like? There are several types of hugs, right, but do you know how a hug from the dark feels? It feels empty, bitter and desolate, it squeezes you so much that you cry a lot and you tear yourself up, you want to get away from it and you can't, because. I don't know how to do it. I want to tell him to go away and you can't because I don't know how to do it, will I get hurt if I do it? I want to tell him, ´´Get the hell out of here´´ but it won´t go away, how do I make it go away without hurting myself, everything looks dark, lifeless, breathless, a void that expands and doesn´t stop growing, as a child I saw the Radiant and happy light, it came back out of nowhere, it happened, loneliness hugged me too tightly, comforting me for a while, but I don't need it anymore, I received so much comfort from her that I'm terrified to continue with her. Why don't you walk away from me?

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