Minnie Mouse is a cartoon character created in 1928 by The Walt Disney Company. As the longtime sweetheart of Mickey Mouse, she is an anthropomorphic mouse with white gloves, a bow, polka-dotted dress, and low-heeled shoes occasionally with ribbons on them. uiyu7trfdfgcvnbbhjyukfdsizxjc hudyfe7rd890wsodifuvhygtf6re98isdouhcg
Minnie Mouse is a cartoon character created in 1928 by The Walt Disney Company. As the longtime sweetheart of Mickey Mouse, she is an anthropomorphic mouse with white gloves, a bow, polka-dotted dress, and low-heeled shoes occasionally with ribbons on them. uiyu7trfdfgcvnbbhjyukfdsizxjc hudyfe7rd890wsodifuvhygtf6re98isdouhcg
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