This work, created by Pieter Brueghel, as its name indicates it, portrays some hunters in the snow. The use of color, light and contrast is masterful, which has led it to position itself within the best works of the Renaissance. This work has so many elements, which has been the protagonist of numerous historical studies. The most daring researchers ensure that the work speaks of cruelty and cruel practices infringed by the Duke of Alba in the dominion of Los Habsburgs in Flanders. Work created by Pieter Brueghel
This work, created by Pieter Brueghel, as its name indicates it, portrays some hunters in the snow. The use of color, light and contrast is masterful, which has led it to position itself within the best works of the Renaissance. This work has so many elements, which has been the protagonist of numerous historical studies. The most daring researchers ensure that the work speaks of cruelty and cruel practices infringed by the Duke of Alba in the dominion of Los Habsburgs in Flanders. Work created by Pieter Brueghel
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